Alexandra Whiting

Still can’t really work wordpress so I’ve moved back to tumblr… temporarily!


… 100 logos in an evening…

As you can see they are all quite abstract, was getting a bit brain-dead by the end so not much communication going on but good practice for generating ideas on mass!

“Go there. Inspire us.”


We were given an area with the Tate and not much else. We figured that people would only ever really visit our area, to visit the Tate. So we decided to lead people away from the Tate, by interfering with signage and maps from pimlico station. Literally had only just finished putting up our last sign and we already had our first gullible tourist wandering off in the opposite direction of the Tate. Was more successful than we’d anticipated and showed us how reliant people are on street maps and signs. Quite an interesting idea for a bigger scale project perhaps…

A piece of paper


A one day project where we were given a piece of paper and told to go out and “interact”.

Instead of actually going up to people and asking them to get involved, my group decided to be more subtle in our approach- to see if and how people would interact with the paper, without any instruction. Was quite interesting to see the results, how majority of people saw it as something unusual, completely avoiding stepping on the red squares. But its also quite funny when people clearly didn’t care and walked straight across them.

When I asked my friend Jack what he thought modernism was he showed me this film. Uses quite interesting techniques for its set…




Gillian Wearing. 60 minutes silence, The Tate (1996). Color video projection with sound.

“60 Minutes Silence appears at first to be a life-size group photograph of 26 uniformed police officers. Gradually the officers fidget making us realize that the portrait is in fact a video. According to Gillian Wearing, “The piece is about authority, restraint, and control.” Displaying extreme unity in form, she creates tension on the part of the viewer as the tension of the subjects becomes apparent. One officer screams in relief as the tortuous hour ends.”

Looked quite a lot at Gillian Wearing on my foundation and a lot of her work shows an example of complexity beneath an apparently simple surface… In this case- the identity beneath the uniform.

Barbican’s Rain Room

Really need to get down there and check this out myself. But thought this was also worth a mention on the subject of Mordernism. rAndom International have taken something natural and used modern technology to manipulate it to create this installation that lets people experience the rain; hear and see it all around them, but stay completely untouched by drops of water. Heard its crazy!

Saw this on a friends blog ( and thought it could be a good example of people using known materials to create something pretty amazing… “urban as an experimental site of change and flux” perhaps?

Modernism and Modernity

Introduced to the the movement Modernism and Modernity. What I got from Marks lecture was that this refered to “the urban as an experimental site of flux and change”, or people using known things for a bigger purpose or funtion.